Our Signature Pedagogy

Oral history has been the program’s signature pedagogy for teaching the history of school desegregation. Below we share two resources that feature our signature pedagogy: (1) an article on the use of oral history as a tool for inquiry in the classroom, and (2) a lesson plan created by Ms. Nekaybaw Brooks, one of our 2017 NEH summer scholars. Both resources showcase how oral history can be used as a tool for students to gain first-hand experience with the difficult past (such as the history of school desegregation) and to relate themselves to the past. Oral history allows students to listen to stories of people often invisible in the school curriculum, to cultivate multiple perspectives, and to recognize their own positionalities in understanding the difficult past.

In this lesson, students will interview people within their families that experienced the desegregation era in order to compare/contrast experiences.

Yonghee Suh, Old Dominion University
Brian J. Daugherity, Virginia Commonwealth University